Dose Fintech Require Coding? Fintech job Opportunity for Non-tech


We will mainly focus on non-tech students’(who don’t have any coding skills) employment opportunities in the fintech industry.  

If you are looking for a job in the fintech industry or in a Big tech firm you always do not need to have programming or coding skills.

There are thousands of non-tech jobs available in the fintech industry for non-tech students or employees. You can visit any fintech-related job portal or LinkedIn you will find tons of job posts with the heading of Product manager, Business analyst, Product marketer, Content developer, Data analyst, financial analyst, and so on.

Fintech job for business graduate

Based on my 5-year previous work experience in this industry I meet an enormous no of non-tech students working as project managers, UI & UX designers, and earning 6 figures earnings.

If you think only programmers and tech students will dominate the future fintech industry it is time to rethink. Even you will find many programmers working as product designers in the fintech industry.

So the sky is always open for you whether you are a non-tech student or employee or a techy guy always there are tons of opportunities to explore if you love it.

Top 11 different job positions in the fintech industry to explore as a non-coder or non-tech student.

  1. HR professional
  2. Project manager
  3. Product manager and product designer
  4. Business Analyst
  5. Financial analyst
  6. Product marketer
  7. Content Developer
  8. Social media marketer
  9. Data analysis
  10. UI and UX designers and developers
  11. Technical Documentation

The recruiter or HR professional in the fintech industry:

This is the most evergreen position for every industry. Especially in a fintech firm an HR professional will responsible for building an agile team. For each fintech firm member of 10 to infinity, this position is a must.

HR job for fintech firm

He/She will be tech enthusiastic, and from selecting staff to motivating them each step he is the key guy to operate those jobs. Most importantly in most fintech firms, you don’t need a university HRM degree to show your certificate.

If you are passionate about this position you can easily hit six-figure earnings from the fintech industry as a recruiter or HR professional.

Starting salary for an HR professional in fintech firms starts from $85,000

Start your career as a Project manager in the fintech industry:

This is the right time to learn project management. If you are interested in the future fintech industry even if you don’t know to code, project management is the right course of action you can take.

Each and every fintech firm looking for the right project manager for their project. But it is a matter of sorrow that there is less or an absence of skilled manpower in this field.

Starting salary for a project manager starts from $75,000

Career option as a Product manager and product designer in financial technology sector:

You might know Shondor Pichi current CEO of google start his career as a product manager. Even this post doesn’t require marathon coding skills.

A product manager is responsible for how any product can mitigate any problem of any group of people. You must have some technical skills, problem identification, identifying the targeted customer, and making a proper channel to reach them and solve their pain point is the major job of a product manager.

Besides this Product designing skills also do not need any programming skills to explore. Rather a product designer must know how our product and services kill the pain point of our client.

Fintech Business Analyst (Even Dose fintech requires Coding?):

The term business analyst is quite vague, It is a general internal consultant type of role where you will make specific recommendations for the like marketing team, and sales team, and how the operation can be even swifter.


There are many positive impacts of a business analyst like center to greatly to all other parts of the organization, leadership exposure, and direct relation with senior management.

If you are thinking you are not a specialist in programming or business but you love finance and technology this could be the best role for you.

Financial analyst:

In the fintech industry, the role of a financial analyst is an analysis of financial data and make recommendations for a business. The day-to-day operation of a financial analyst is research, analysis, forecast, and report.


You might need an expert in excel, python, and other tools to forecast results. Besides those, you will also do budgeting, cost optimization, performance training, Etc. The financial analyst must keep strong communication with the accounting, marketing, and production department too.

Scope of fintech industry Product marketer:

You know each day fintech firms produce tons of new products and services, and this makes a huge scope of marketing skills for marketing practitioners working in the fintech industry.

The main job of a product marketer is to make a secure channel among the product team, marketing team, sales team, and support team.

Besides that, a product marketing manager will collect feedback from the final user and make a recommendation to the product manager. He is also responsible for perfect UX from a customer viewpoint. 

If you are a Marketing student and interested in fintech or you are a non-marketing student interested in marketing both of you have a scope of doing a job in the fintech industry as a product marketer.

Fintech industry Content Developer:

You may know many famous YouTuber earn one hundred thousand USD from 10m views of their video. From those big players to micro-influencers all are important in content development in the fintech industry. There is a huge gap in content development in the fintech industry.

You can help a fintech firm in two ways.

  1. Creating content for a big fintech firm.
  2. Create content relevant to issues of fintech.

In both ways, you can earn millions of money in the long run.

Social media marketer for fintech job race:

There is an important fact about social media marketers, most social media marketers are not from a marketing background. A state of art social media marketer can earn a double six-figure income. Even it is the easiest way to enter in the fintech industry as a non-tech student.

For learning about social media you may not need to use it years after years. Some of you already know the basics of social media. If you want swift entrance into the fintech job market you can learn how Facebook ads work.

The main role of SMM is managing all the social media for your firm. You might know the basics of content creation and update with the recent guideline from top social media. The stronger the collaboration with the content development team with social media marketers stronger the firm in social media. 

Scope of Data analysis in the fintech industry:

Data is the king, queen, prince, and princess of the current world. As well data is also garbage if you don’t store and use it properly. The data analyst is the key person who plays his game. It does not require any BSC in computer science or an MBA degree to become a data analyst.

UI and UX designers and developers are looking after by fintech firms:

For every app we use, and each website we visit every day a strong user interface design team and user experience developer team exist. In the fintech industry, we need to make tons of mock-ups, and user interface each day. Anyone from any discipline can make a career as a user interface designer with the use of some tools.

fintech business job opportunity

Yes, the User experience industry needs some coding skills, but those are so marginal that any kid can that code nowadays. Mostly user experience needs to learn front-end development. Learning HTML, CSS, and javascript is at best a six-month effort to complete.

Job opportunity for Technical Documentation in the fintech industry: 

Every day we use new fintech products and services, and all of those products need to be properly documented. Creating technical documentation does not need coding or programming skills. Anyone from any background can make technical documentation. This is the best opportunity for nontech students working in the fintech industry.

Yes, some of them might frighten like tools. Those writing tools are not a complete package for technical documentation, they are just assistants for your job done. If you don’t know writing well you may not use those tools properly.


  1. Ux researcher
  2. Fintech industry consultant
  3. Affiliate marketer
  4. Fintech industry blogger.
  5. Treader and investor of crypto market.

The fintech market is growing each day, and new skill sets add to the market demand. Apparently, it shows all the job post in financial technology goes under the umbrella of programming and computer science background student. People who have higher communication skills and a business mindset might adjust to any scop in the fintech industry.

If you are a nontech student there are tons of opportunities open for you to enter the future fintech industry. Even you can learn coding from a business background student like me. I am a business graduate having coding skills working for a 4th generation bank as a programmer. Lastly, programming is not rocket science one can learn it from any background.

About Author: Mainul Hossain

I am a fintech enthusiastic banker. Currently working in Union Bank Limited. I love to talk and write about FINTECH, BLOCKCHAIN, CRYPTOCURRENCY, and DEFI. Yes, I love coffee and music too.

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